Saturday, 16 November 2013

Jokes: Female Teacher and John

A female teacher,was having a problem with John in her class of 3rd graders.
John said 'M'am, I should be in 4th grade, i'm smarter than my sis & she's in the 4th grade'.
The M'am {Teacher} had heard enough of his complains & took john 2 the Principal's office. She explained everything 2 the Principal who decided 2 test john with some questions that a 4th grade should know.

Principal: What's 3 + 3?
John: 6
Principal: 6 + 6?
John: 12
& so on..
The Principal asked the boy many questions & John got them right.
The Principal then asked
M'am 2 send John 2 4th grade.
M'am decided 2 ask some more questions & the Principal agreed.
M'am: What does a cow have 4 of, that I've only 2 of?
John: Legs
M'am: What's in ur pants that u have but I don't have?
John: Pockets
M'am: What starts wit a C & ends with T, is hairy, oval, delicious &
contains thin whitish liquid?
John: Coconut
M'am: What goes in hard & pink then comes out soft & sticky?
The principal's eyes open really wide,but b4 he could stop the answer, the boy was taking charge.
John: Bubble Gum
M'am: U stick ur poles inside me. U tie me down 2 get me up, I
get wet b4 u do. What am I?
John: Tent
The principal was looking restless
M'am: A finger goes in me. U fiddle with me when u're bored. The best man always has me 1st, what am I?
John: Wedding Ring
M'am: I come in many sizes... When Ï'm not well, I drip. When u blow me,u feel good?
John: Nose
M'am: I've a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates,I come with a quiver
M'am: What starts wit 'F' & ends with a 'K' & if u don't get it, u've 2
use ur hand?
M'am: Whats it that all men have,it's longer in some men than others,the Pope doesn't use his & a man gives it 2 his wife after marriage?
John: Surname
M'am: What part of the man has no bone, but has muscles with a lot of veins like pumpin & is responsible 4 making love?
John: Heart
The principal breathed a sigh of relief & told the teacher:- 'Send John 2 University, I got the last 10 questions wrong myself.

Did you get any one wrong too? Be honest

Here is another joke you might like: Girl and Boyfriend

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